Outcome Based Education

Embark on a transformative educational journey with the Department of Civil Engineering, where we wholeheartedly embrace the principles of Outcome Based Education (OBE). At the core of our pedagogical philosophy lies a robust framework supported by dedicated pillars, including the Department Advisory Board, Program Assessment Committee, Module Committee, and esteemed Course Coordinators. Through our unwavering commitment to OBE, we ensure that every aspect of our curriculum is meticulously crafted to cultivate not only technical expertise but also the essential graduate attributes necessary for success in the field. Our OBE Curriculum is meticulously designed to align with industry demands, integrating competencies and indicators that empower students to thrive in a dynamic professional landscape. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability, we strive to empower our students with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to excel as ethical, innovative, and socially responsible civil engineers. Join us in embracing the transformative power of Outcome Based Education, where every student's journey is guided by a clear vision of success and a commitment to excellence.